So0o I don't really watch 106&Park 2 much..cuz i can't stand the garbage music thats actually making it now daysss!! But Mariah Carey is on here...and i must say that her first album dropped round 1990 cuz i was definately dancing 2 her in my elementary days...and this woman STILL HAS IT!!! I'm watch her video "obsessed" and this chick has like a flawless body "no homo"...but i do give props when it is deserved...and she definately deserves it...she's pretty much always put out go0d music..and her vocal range is crazy...I'm sorry but beyonce isn't topping it...she's got a hell of a voice..but her vocal range ain't beating M. Carey. Plus she's going to be 40yrs old next March....yeo0o that is krazyyyyy!!!! LIKE FAREAL KRAZYYY...i should be ashamed in myself..i gotta get my cheeks in the gym A.S.A.P.

Ummmm on a bad note...Kristinia Debarge...now im not tryna shoot her down..correction i am...Listen..."DEBARGE"...like do yall know who that is....this group had numeroussss hits!!! Quality oldschool right there...their music will be forever bought or downloaded or played cuz it was quality. Now Kristinia Debarge...the daughter of one of them...has a new song out "goodbye"...I'm sorry but its not cutting it...especially coming from the musical background that she does. I can't believe that she is costarring on 106&Park right now getting props for sumting she truly does not deserve...that song is a big whomp whomp in my opinion..but hey thats me....decide for urself..i won't be posting her video on my blog tho..its not worth it..so0 go youtube it..lol...
................no lets seee..i feel like im on roll with canning people..so my next victims are the GS boys...aka G-Sp
ot boys...their video "booty dew" now im not gonna frunt..i know the dance..only cuz i sat here and watched the video and its a simple 2 step and i know @ kean university this semester they will play that song @ a party..lol..so0 ima be on it...butttttt...putting Michelle and Barack Obama in it..and FAKES ONES..at that...biggg time WHOMP WHOMP...whyyy...why did they have 2 go and do that...that was not cute in any way, shape, or form, that when i had 2 change the channell back to Sponge Bob until that video was over and thru...ughhhh what kinda name is G Spot Boys ne ways...

Back on a brighter note...I definately dig this girl!!! and her new video is a banger i think...I'm definately digging the oldschool beat [which i think might of been sampled but i gotta look more into that]..she's definately got sum go0d lyrics 2 a hella go0d beat! The video is quite simple but very cute..i think every single she's had and made a video for she
s always been on top of the newest trend or fashion out!!! very cute i must say..i havn't heard her album but i definately hope its go0d cuz i think she's a pretty under rated artist also.... so0 please check out her new single "Why R U"...i think the some of the ladies maybe able 2 relate..if you've gone thru a relationship before that didn't work out 2 great but u wished it did!!!
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