sO0O I ALWAYS knew i wanted a tatto0! but i never could decide what it would be..i mean butterflies and hearts were cute but it just wasn't sumtin i knew i'd be happy to have on my body for the rest of my life...untill i saw it!! For all those non musical people...its an upside down treble clef and a right side up bass clef!! [and will always be a constant reminder of love of music running thru my veins]
Lil info0 on ya girl::::: from the 2nd grade-8th grade my focus was in the treble clef field...I PLAYED TRUMPET! and boy did i take pride and being one of the very FEW girls 2 be playing a trumpet!!! but once i hit the 9th grade things changed...i moved over to the bass clef!! started playing baritone!!!! OH AND IT WAS MORE THAN I COULD EVER ASK FOR! i love being a party of lowbrass!!! [PEOPLE PLEASE LOOK UP ALL THIS MUSICAL TERMS..LOL] I DEFINATELY DID MARCHING BAND FROM THE 8TH GD-senior year [oh seven!!!] oh yeah and the bonus was my junior and senior year when i became the drum major for our marching band!!! i mean im not the type to brag but we were...ATLANTIC COAST CHAMPS!!! ooo0000WWW...so0 yeah i was a band geek! im quite musically inclined....Fall '09' i will be getting my guitar!!! but for now enjoy the