Wednesday, June 3, 2009

!!!!!a [PACKAGE] for me!!!!!

ohh emm gee!!!!...so0 my madre calls and tellz me 2 feed the cats..so0 im like todays wednesday....let me just be a go0d daughter and take the trash out..so0 i go for the mail..and on the very top is a package for me!!! im like hmmm this has 2 be a i open it and inside is a business card for [wilma j. lee].

a week before school ended i went 2 a workshop for finer woman hood and they did a workshop on makeup from marykay..and i dont wear make up..[okay a lil mascara here and] but when i saw she sent me that package out of the kindness of her brought a pure smile 2 my face...!!!! sumtimes it just pay off 2 be naturally nice. i truly believe what you put out you always get back if not more, just in a different shape and form..POSITIVITY!!!! ♥

My First (1st) Time===> [Blogging]

well ......i was awakened @ 9:27am by my girl shawnnie [smh]...chattin it up for atleast i was suppose 2 go jogging..but ofcourse i had 2 check out the SWC blog first..than i hit up my friend jas [mnb ♥ ] blog and i realized..hmmm i could have fun with this blogging thing..since nobody really knows me..atleast my n.jerz fam doesn't but now that i think about s. jerz fam doesnt know me either..[ those were my c.brown days]..only chick they know is Ci-Ci...and i must say i've known charlysse for about 20 yrs co0l as hell yeo00. close 2 none know her but those that do say she co0l as hell to..[i do realize im speaking in 3rd] ...so0 ova the next few months ima have 2 break it down 2 u who she really is..and ofcourse update yall with my daily crazyy activites..cuz im not the boring type..only time you'll catch me in the house is when im napping...other than that im always up 2 something...[ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN]...<===remember that i said that... 2nites a skate night so expect big news tomorrow..hopefully i learn a new

Charlysse Janai Graham

Charlysse Janai Graham
Upclose & Personal w/ the blogger