"Yessir..thats her..but it wasn't like that back when i met her...." <===who's that...Pharrell Williams!!! IDC what anyone says...i absolutely love pharrell [wow i gotta find his twitter!!!] yeahh I don't know what it is but every since his song "maybe" with N.E.R.D. i've been absolutely in love with him!!!! Maybe its his style...i dig the fact that he stepped outside of the box...not just with his clothes but lo0k @ his music group for example... I dig it when a person can develop their own sense of style not caring what others really think...i feel bad i never bought a pair of icecreams..lol...but my bro got a pair so0 that counts..lol...i definately think his solo album "In My Mind" was so0o under rated!!!! That was probably one of the few quality cd's i've seen in the past 5 years come out from someone not involved in the R&B industry...ofcourse i would feature him this week on my music playlist but IDKKKK...cuz No One is topping Michael Jackson's playlist!!! lol we'll see though..ne waysss..love u pharrell...i hope my bloggy makes it 2 u sumhow and u put me in a future video!!! lmaoooo...righttttt..lol
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