Man oh Man! Ever feel like your stuck in a night mare but once you smack yourself you realize..thats its not a nightmare...its reality!!! Well my time came...in camden...and yes i was at fault for the accident..but it wasnt like i was on my cell phone..or texting..or my music was just to0 loud! i was being tailgated/cut off..so my focus was elsewhere....ne ways...i strongly believe that God has a reason for everything...so0 whether i went skating or went clubbing in north jersey..this accident was bound to

happen...I was just happy that my phase 5 family was there at the time of the accident to help calm me down/make sure i was okay...Ofcourse my mom, dad, and sister made it out there 2 save me from my usual wrecking..anyways im sure you guys wanted 2 see the damage so0...here it goes...YIKES!!!