So0o i know im late on the blogging of Michael Jackson's death but i just havn't gathered the right words 2 say. Its kinda emotional for me cause when i was 4-7 my older cousin pratically babysat me all the time..and we would watch MJ concert's that she taped...one she died when i was in the sixth grade that was pretty much my tie 2 her...and now that MJ is dead i feel like i've lost it all...Not 2 mention it makes my soul cringe 2 still hear people negatively talking about him now that the man is dead...
-why should anyone care why his skin tone changed?
-why he got plastic surgery done?
-whether he was on drugs?
-if his kids are really his?
-if he really was a molester???
LIKE DAMN! LET IT GO! just enjoy the simple fact that he was one of the very few human beings on this earth 2 create QUALITY music in more than just one genre!!!!! he wasn't just the king of pop! he was the king of the entire music industry!!!
which is why i had 2 create my mj playlist! what artist can u just name 30 favorites off the bat! lol...thats crazy! forever in my heart mike!!