Idk what mah issue was...but i need a tissue cuz ...times is hard !!!! lmao i really just liked how "issue was" and tissue cuz" rhymed!!! ahaha!!! ne ways i can't believe i havn't blogged in like a month! str8 smdh!!! i have no excusess..just str8 lazyness cause i definately have been reading a few blogs daily!!!
-------lot have things have been going on with me tho0------
so0 much is on my mind!!! so0 much maturing i've done over this summer..and its over so0o quickly..but i must say im extremelyyyyy READY 2 head back 2 scho0l...very excited indeed i am! i wanted 2 keep this a secret but hey..what better place to share it than my blog!! Ya gurl is definately getting that dean's list this semester!! so0 ready 2 be on that educational grind! If there is one thing that i learned this summer...its not 2 take ya education for granted! and i think my freshman year i surely to0k mine for granted! i can't believe so0o0 many of my friends can't go back away 2 scho0l or even go to a community college...because of financial issues!! This economy is str8 crazy!!! why is it that if ur parents don't have go0d credit [thankyou mama] you won't be attending scho0l..cause no one now days is tryna lend money without a co-signer...smh...its a shame...times like this when i realize im truly blessed!!!
:::shoutout 2 my best guy friend malcolm jones:::
he's walking pro0f that God's delay is NOT denial!
congrats on Clark Atlanta! we doing our thing this semester! so0 we can have it over christmas break...haha!!!
I'm So0o not lo0king forward 2 going 2 work 2morrow! whoah correction! i actually am!! my hair is definately $165 2 get it rebraided and than on top of that i have 2 sit in the chair for 8hours..while listening 2 sumone tell me how thick my hair is i wouldn't realize that after ummmm 20years!! lol...str8 whomp whomp!!!
almost forgot i have 2 get an oil change before i go back! what the frickkk mann!!! my car is so0o more than me..ofcourse i gotta get mitsu [my car] washed and cleaned inside and out! Fill her up before i take that almost friggin 2 hour drive!! ahhhh...but no so0 happy 2 be back with her!!!
count down!
5 days left!
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Charlysse Janai Graham
Upclose & Personal w/ the blogger
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