I grew up on vacation bible study...so0 going back 2 the church i grew up in 2 help children younger than me get 2 enjoy something i once enjoyed doing was absolutely delightful. Now my grandmother teaches kindergarten...and althought their a hand full..their bundles of joy, happiness, and energy...and its such a beautiful thing 2 watch! working with them definately reminded me of my childhood and made me smile at what my future held for me!
RECREATION TIME:::::::::::::

As far as my class i had 2 teach...i was helping with the 7th and 8th.!!! That was something krazy..hormones shifting, lil girl getting stubs on they chest...experiencing they get periods...boys realizing they need 2 use more deoderant..and voices changing...a mess a mess a mess...[which is why i wanna teach highschool] still was a gr8 experience though. I had way 2 much fun with them including the attitudes that went along with it. Great kids...with alot of potential in life. I was definately fortunate God allowed me 2 attend that week! I surely learned alot!
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