Spent the nite with mah girls cec and ce!!!! Cec definately went in on her hair..i dont have a before but i most definately have an after...and i cant deny the fact that her hair is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!
ohhh and BTW!!!! ...shes transferring up 2 north jerz!!!! o000WWWW...to Rutgers New Brunswick!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!! ahhhhhhhh...[do u guys feel my excitement????] I FRIGGIN LOVE THIS GIRL!!!![no homo..lol]Fall '09' will most definately be an interesting semester!!! lol... KU meets RU!!!! Oh and for all u north jerz ppl..yes that is the marvellous miraculous WAWA..we're currently in and this is the food from there that I devoured..lmfaoo0o0...aint nothing like a wawa...she got her gas and i got a chocolate milkshake..and a cheesesteak!!! lm[tall chocolate]a0...lol
:facepalm: you did it again you dummy.. haha