Tuesday, June 9, 2009

1st Time I Eva Came Close 2 Killing Sumone!

so0o0o this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is the heffa i almost smacked today...its was bad enough i had 2 walk a trillion miles 2 the nail salon. lol..i straightened my hair last night..and for whyy?!?! cuz it blew up in that humid friggin weather walking 2 the salon!

[i miss my car...anyone have $3,500 2 lend for car insurance...lol]

anyways back to the lady i almost killed! Now becuz i dont have my car i figured i try a new salon..since alot friggin closer to my house. I was a lil pissed when i got there and found out a refill was $20 but i really needed it so i stayed! so she gets nail polish remover.. **news flash sweetheart** i got gel on my nails! lol...so than she gets that lil drill thingy..and thats when i almost had 2 kill her..this heffa was shaving skin off!!! and she had the nerve 2 tell me to RELAX! Can i please ask how the hell u expect me to relax and ur completely getting rid of my damn cuticles!!!!! this lady was definately bugging...so0 than she asked how i wanted my nails..and when i told her she laughed and asked me if i was serious...

ARE U SERIOUS MY NAILS COST $25! OKAY THAN...im more serious than a heart attack...so0 guess what!? she did them lol

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Charlysse Janai Graham

Charlysse Janai Graham
Upclose & Personal w/ the blogger