Saturday, July 4, 2009


sO0O I ALWAYS knew i wanted a tatto0! but i never could decide what it would be..i mean butterflies and hearts were cute but it just wasn't sumtin i knew i'd be happy to have on my body for the rest of my life...untill i saw it!! For all those non musical people...its an upside down treble clef and a right side up bass clef!! [and will always be a constant reminder of love of music running thru my veins]

Lil info0 on ya girl::::: from the 2nd grade-8th grade my focus was in the treble clef field...I PLAYED TRUMPET! and boy did i take pride and being one of the very FEW girls 2 be playing a trumpet!!! but once i hit the 9th grade things changed...i moved over to the bass clef!! started playing baritone!!!! OH AND IT WAS MORE THAN I COULD EVER ASK FOR! i love being a party of lowbrass!!! [PEOPLE PLEASE LOOK UP ALL THIS MUSICAL TERMS..LOL] I DEFINATELY DID MARCHING BAND FROM THE 8TH GD-senior year [oh seven!!!] oh yeah and the bonus was my junior and senior year when i became the drum major for our marching band!!! i mean im not the type to brag but we were...ATLANTIC COAST CHAMPS!!! ooo0000WWW...so0 yeah i was a band geek! im quite musically inclined....Fall '09' i will be getting my guitar!!! but for now enjoy the pics...memories!!!!


six flags was the best!!!! ITS KRAZY HOW THAT DAY WENT 2..!!! it wasn't lo9king 2 perky!! lol..fight with the madre...didn't get there till 5pm...supposed iscolated thunderstorms!!!...BUT IT WAS THE BEST.!! we got there and it was nice and warm!! NOOOO LINES---------AT ALL!!!! nitro-2x, el toro-3x, superman, batman,american, WE MISSED THE NEW RIDE!!! BUT THATS OKAY...i bought the BIG no worries...5 more passes left 2 use!! but i must save one for fright fest!! i've never been!! everyone must go this summer! definately hitting up hurrican harbor next time tho! gotta work on this stomach tho...HE he he!!

BLOOD will always be THICKER than water

"There are no bonds so strong as those which are formed by suffering together." -Harriet Ann Jacobs

BOYYYY HAVE I'VE GONE THRU ALOT OF HARD TIMES WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL LADY! No one else could ever replace her! Never thought a bond could get any tighter...but we constantly prove ourselves wrong! she's seen every possible side of me and caught ever tear from my eyes! love mah baby sis 2 death! and than sum more!!!!!


i feel like i havn't blogged in YEARRSS!!! well i'm still alive. lol..i been on my serious mp3 player flow! definately going thru alot and not knowing how 2 handle comes 2 a point where i get so0 many emotions bottled up inside and no where 2 dump them out at ..and i pretty much go into overload an shutdown! So0 my music has become my only outlet. which leads me 2 my new tatt!!!! i'll talk much about it later..just glad 2 be blogging again...

Charlysse Janai Graham

Charlysse Janai Graham
Upclose & Personal w/ the blogger